DIY workbench

Following the project plans on the Art of Manliness provided by One Project Closer, I made myself a workbench. It wasn't too hard, and the only problem I had came when I deviated from the plans. I thought I might as well get bigger casters, and then I discovered that casters any bigger than the ones specified in the plans wouldn't fit on the legs of the bench. Ah well. I also used my new impact driver for this build. I have never used one of these before, but I'm not sure how I got along without it!
Here is what the materials cost me:
- 9 - 2x4s - $27.45
- 1 tube of construction adhesive - $2.40
- 200 - 1 1/4 inch #8 screws - $17.96
- 8 - Simpson corner ties - $34.80
- 3/4 inch sanded plywood - $28.37
- 3/8 inch plywood - $16.97
- 2 locking swivel casters - $13.94
- 2 swivel casters - 12.48
Total: $154.37

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