
Since I have been reading the Prince lately, I have been very interested in matters political and the virtues of the soldier. But meekness, I never would have thought that to be one of them. Yet here is the best explanation of meekness I have yet seen:

Here’s the tough part in making sense of it: In your brain when you hear the word “meek”, do you just swap in “weak” and think it means the same thing?  And maybe something about “shy as a mouse”, since mice are small and the word “mouse” starts with “m”?
[And maybe you add in something about being a peasant or something, because you think "humble" = "poor".  Doesn't work.  St. Thomas More was meek.  Wealthy, opinionated, but ultimately meek.]
What it really means is “mild of temper” (that’s not me) “long-suffering” (more not) and “patient under injuries” (nope, not that either).  And then we think of the Amish, who are famously meek.  So we think, oh, okay, meek = pacifist?  Maybe sometimes.  But a really good soldier is massively meek.  How else do you hold up under confusing orders, dangerous conditions, constant hardship, and just do what is asked no matter the personal cost?  That’s meek.

Colonel John Christian Falkenberg. Massively meek.