Linkfest 2023-01-28: The Dumb Ox

Today is the feast day of St. Thomas Aquinas, my patron saint. You can pick up Ed Feser’s excellent introduction to Aquinas for only $0.99 on Amazon today.

Twitter anon Vulpine Outlaw looks at how the New Atheism movement was in part a response to 9/11, and as that event faded in our memories, so did it’s salience.

With Both Hands: The Last Superstition
This is my review of Ed Feser’s hilariously combative refutation of some of the attacks of the New Atheists upon religion.
A retrospective look at how tribalism dominates electoral shifts.
The Bulwark: The World Through a Copyeditor’s Eyes
But how much can a copyeditor really do? I’ll tell you. Judging by another measure I give to my interested interlocutor—whose interest is by now quickly fading—books can be sorted into the following categories: There are terrible books, there are bad books, there are decent books, there are good books, and there are excellent books. A good copyeditor can move the book they’ve been assigned one rung up the quality ladder—at best. You could do more, but a publisher can’t pay you for the time it would take to move a book two rungs

This post by derek guy changed how I see the economics of clothes.

I’ve long been fascinated by mechanical computers.

The Honest Broker: What Can We Learn from Barnes & Noble's Surprising Turnaround?
In part, I see this as vindication of my contention in the review of JD Cowan’s The Last Fanatics that the book market is not economically driven by what readers like. Instead, editorial fashion reigns supreme.
North Carolina Rabbit Hole: An obituary for the man who saved North Carolina from nuclear disaster
A retrospective on the man who retrieved the core of the hydrogen bomb accidentally dropped in North Carolina. I feel like mid-century America was full of men like Dr. Jack ReVelle. He reminds me of my beloved teacher, Dale Shewalter. Full of life and accomplishment, although ReVelle’s cancer didn’t fell him until much later in life.
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