Linkfest 2021-05-14: Dunbar's Number

My research suggests we can only maintain five intimate friendships – but we know the names of up to 1,500 people. JelenaMrkovic/wikimedia, CC BY
Robin Dunbar defends Dunbar’s Number in the light of thirty years more research.

Rob from New Jersey explains the terms used to describe cavalry in the modern era, and how they were used tactically

Political Unrest in Kenosha Likely Helped Donald Trump
Political Kiwi looks at the numbers.

Part of the reason that the territorial capital of Arizona was moved from Tucson to Prescott is that Tucson was perceived to be full of Confederate sympathizers.

While I haven’t read Clock’s Watch III: Alpdruck!, I will recommend it based upon the strength of Clock’s Watch I and Clock’s Watch II: Daughter’s of the Black Moon.
The Long View: Grand New Party
I maintain this is close to, if not the summit of John J. Reilly’s writings on American politics.

Paula Ritchey’s Penance is on sale on Amazon for $0.99 USD. Penance is aimed at teenagers, but is not your typical YA fare. It is something like a Sword and Planet novel in a superhero universe.
The Joy of Wargaming: How to Win at RPGs: Proper Order
Jon Mollison explains the benefits of putting rules first, then the campaign, and only then the characters.
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