Linkfest 2017-06-23

The Stock Market Speaks: How Dr. Alchian Learned to Build the Bomb
Sometimes public information is the best spy you have.

I saw a series of Tweets this week about how the boss-class is sticking it to workers, usually with the active involvement of the political Left. You expect that kind of thing from the Right, but the increasing alignment of wealth and education with Left-wing parties means the boss votes liberal. My favorite story was where the drywall guy complained that no one but illegal immigrants from Mexico wanted to work 90 hour weeks for him. I miss unions with teeth.
How the Democrats Lost Their Way on Immigration
A look at the political battles that made center-Left immigration skepticism disappear.
I (Don't) Like You! But Who Cares? Gender Differences in Same Sex and Mixed Sex Teams
Hopefully it replicates.
A fascinating article at First Things makes the argument that technological change is leaving our static political debates behind. For example, the double-edged sword of artificial wombs.
Social Justice and the End of Moral Certainty
A look at the progressive mindset.

8 Figures on Gun Ownership, and Attitudes, in America
There continues to be a partisan gap in America, but it is smaller than the gap in the professional activists who make the most noise on the subject. For example, the vast majority of both Democrats and Republicans are not in favor of concealed carry without a permit.
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