New Belgium Biere de Mars Review

New Belgium Biere de Mars

New Belgium Biere de MarsBiere de Garde [Type 56] 6.2% ABV
This is a special brew from New Belgium, a bottle conditioned ale with wild yeast. The Magistra's first thought is this is Fat Tire with spices. However, it does develop more character with time. It has a caramely taste reminiscent of bananas foster. The fruit esters are very strong in this beer. It has just a bit of a sour finish. It is just a bit murky, but not cloudy.Thick mouthfeel, almost syrupy. Very thin head. Deep orange red color.

An excellent craft beer. I was satisfied after drinking it, and I felt it was worth the price. However, to get one beer instead of two it would need to be more different from Fat Tire.
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